Music Game!
A Rhythm RPG vertical slice -- char/chart creator, boss fights, weird rhythm gameplay!

Music Game! is a rhythm RPG vertical slice I put together over three weeks as part of a self-driven jam. In Music Game!, you create a party of three characters that go on to fight polygonal enemies in time to the music.
There are a few aspects to Music Game! that I'm quite proud of, such as the character profile creator, the rhythm gameplay, and the map editor.
Music Game! uses a party of three characters; A tank, who reduces overall team damage, a mage, who heals the team, and the angy, who does heavy damage to the enemy. During the character creation process, you give each member a name, an optional backstory, a class, and a profile picture which you create yourself!
After making your team, you can explore and encounter enemies, which are picked from an area-specific pool, and a random song is selected and played for combat.
The combat system follows a similar gameplay structure to other lane-based rhythm games. At the start of a battle, you start out with three lanes, one per character. As notes are hit in time to the music, the enemy is damaged and a special bar fills. Once activated, one of the three lanes are split in two, increasing the difficulty by allowing for more notes to appear, and requiring greater accuracy.
As you win battles, character exp is earned which levels up the character and improves stats. Very typical RPG stuff there. Attack improves damage, Defense slows the HP drain and allows you to live for longer, etc.
From the title screen, you can also access the map editor, which allows people to chart their own songs which are then playable within the main game.
In making this game, I also made a simple archival tool for packaging music files and game data together, which allows me to bundle each of the files required for a song into one asset.
And that's Music Game! The name needs a lot of work, but I'm quite proud of it for what it is. If you'd like to play it, it's available on!