Grow Stronger
Android/iOS fitness/wellbeing app for COPD patients

Grow Stronger is a gamified health and fitness research application commissioned by the University of Queensland. Intended for use in collaboration with hospital clinicians and patient volunteers for research studies, it is an iOS and Android application where participants choose from a list of daily activities, report on their experience carrying out those activities, and grow a little garden alongside their team members.

The main drive for making an app like this was that a lot of the exercise regimes for people with COPD are incredibly light, and often custom crafted for each patient. Traditional exercise/motivation applications were unsuited to the low intensity of exercise required.
As such, Bitlink developed this app in an iterative process alongside researchers from the University of Queensland, clinicians from various Queensland hospitals, and participants of the clinical trial.
I was tasked with frontend development, including interface design, gamification, as well as implementing communications between the back and frontend.